Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hello there, Strong Woman! Yes, I'm talking to you!  Yes, you!  YOU are a strong woman.

The idea for this site came along last spring when some friends and I were discussing being nominated for and receiving community awards and from seeing people we knew be highlighted in the newspaper.    Sounds nice, doesn't it? Doesn't it make YOU want to be nominated for or receive an award?  Does it make YOU want to have an article written about you in the paper?

Deep down, we all want recognition.  We want other people to realize that sometimes life is hard and we're pretty awesome for making it through.  We want a pat on the back for doing the things we do, even if it's not that hard, or not that far out of the ordinary.  Really, we just want someone to say, "Hey! You! Good job!"

Don't get me wrong - we're complaining about our lives, or even saying we don't like them; we just want someone to say thanks for wiping the toddler's butt every single day.  We're hoping someone will say, "Congratulations! You just won a week-long pass to go to the bathroom all by yourself!" And deep down, somewhere in the depths of our heart, we've dreamt of a day when someone hands us a trophy and says, "YOU are special. You do a great job and a hard job and a sometimes tedious job. YOU are a STRONG woman who puts up with a lot of crap.  This is for YOU because you deserve it."

That's why this site was started ~ to recognize all of the strong women who don't receive any recognition, and to say thank you.  There isn't a woman out there who doesn't deserve to be recognized for something that she does because we're all strong in our own unique way.  So ladies, the torch is being passed to you.  Who are the strong women in your life? Who do you know that should be recognized for something she does?  Who in your life needs a trophy??